
Activities Committee

The Activities Committee (AkCie) helps the Assessor Domus organize various parties. For example, they organize the so called ‘Paupergala’, a big success during the ‘pijlerperiode’.

Yearbook Committee

Every year, the Yearbook committee compiles a beautiful almanac in which they highlight the most important events from the past year.

Alumni Committee

The Alumni committee is the connection between Vidar and the Oud-Vidar Foundation. They also ensure visibility of the Oud-Vidar Foundation.

Policy Advisory Committee (PAC)

The PAC supports the board in the implementation of the policy. In addition, the PAC monitors the progress of the long-term policy and they test the decisions of the board on policy and the long-term plan.


Charity Committee

Every year, the charity committee organizes activities to highlight the social awareness of Vidar.

Business Club Committee (BCC)

The Business Club Committee assists the Quaestor Domus in implanting the acquisition plan. For example, they organize the annual Business Club Drink and they are responsible for the annual recruitment event.

Commissie van het Huisch (CIE)

The ‘Commissie van het Huisch’ is responsible for the pub and the ensure order during events.


Recreational Rowing Committee

The recreational rowing committee supports the Assessor in competition rowing. The committee is also responsible for the 'afroeiperiode'.

The Congress Committee organizes the annual February Congress.

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De CreaCie houdt zich bezig met de aankleding van het pand. Zo maken zij onder andere de chill- en studieruimte een stukje gezelliger.



De DataCie houd zich bezig met de datagedreven kant van onze vereniging. Zo houden zij zich bezig met de Vidar website en de online almanak, en werken zij onder andere mee aan de Vidar Rowing analytics app.


Dichtgetikt is Tilburg's student closing party organized by Olof, Plato and Vidar.

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DJ Committee

The DJ committee is a committee that includes all Vidar DJs. They provide the music on big Vidar parties.

First-year Committee

The First-year Committee organizes the monthly first-year OVA and also other activities to strengthen the bond between the first-year students.


Ondersteund de Quaestor bij de uitvoering van financiële taken

Introduction Board and Introduction Committee

The IC board is responsible for the Spring Open Time, the TOP Week and the subsequent Open Time and Introduction Time. They are supported in this by the Introduction Committee.

Innovatief Vidar Commissie

De innovatief Vidar commissie houdt zich bezig met de verduurzaming van het pand, zo zijn zij nu bezig met een project om zonnepanelen op het pand te realiseren.


International Committee

This committee consists of internationals at Vidar. The aim is to bring the international and dutch students together through different initiatives. 

Cash Control Committee

The CC supports the Quaestor in its function and also regularly monitors the finances of the association.

Clothing Committee

The clothing committee designs clothes and gadgets that members of Vidar can buy.


Cooking Committee

The Cooking Committee takes care of a delicious dinner for the rest of the association on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


Songs Committee (LC)

The Songs Committee (LC) assists the introduction committee during the Introduction Time and then provides various cantus throughout the year.

Marketing Committee

The marketing committee is concerned with how Vidar can take a better external approach throughout the year.

Material Advisory Committee (MAC)

The Material Advisory Committee (MAC) advises the board on important material decisions. Together with the Assessor Classicus, they are responsible for the boat plan.

Material Committee (Matcie)

The Material Committee (Matcie) assists the Assessor Classicus in maintaining the fleet.

Move committee

The Move committee is a committee in collaboration with the Move Foundation. Together with a class from a Tilburg primary school, they are starting a project to improve the neighborhood.


Senior Competitive Rowing Committee

The senior competitive rowing committee (OCC) supports the Assessor in supervising the senior rowers. They are busy setting up a trajectory for senior-year competition rowers.

Promotion Committees

The Promotion Committees (Regular PC and Online PC) assist the IC in the TOP week. They ensure that the new students are introduced to all aspects of the association. In addition, they are the face of Vidar in promotional activities throughout the year.

Recover Committee

The Recover committee is responsible for noting everything that is going on at Vidar.

Renovation Committee

The renovation committee helps the Domus Assessor to beautify the building. Throughout the year they have several projects to make certain spaces nicer.

Rowing Advisory Committee (RAC)

The RAC advises the board on important rowing decisions. In addition, they judge together with the Vice-Praeses and Assessor Classicus about boat requests.

Ski committee

The ski committee organizes the annual Vidar winter sport.

Start to Row

The Start to Row committee organizes a spring program for those interested in rowing. This spring program is set up in collaboration with the sports center and Fontys and interested parties learn the principles of rowing in 6 weeks.


Tour, Regional & Recreational Rowing Committee (TRC)

The TRC organizes the Heineken Opening Tournament annually and also organizes various competitions for the recreational rowers.


Tilburg University Cantus board

The TUC board organizes the Tilburg University Cantus, the opening of the academic year.

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Vidar Band

The Vidar Band are the musicians that Vidar has. They play at various Cantus and other events. They also provide music for the TOP Week afternoon program.

Vidar Top Crew

The Vidar Top Crew supports the board, the IC and the Cie during the TOP Week. The VTC helps with the afternoon program and during the big parties.

Vidar Viral

Vidar Viral takes care of all online promotion in two teams: Design & Photo. Team Design makes, among other things, posters throughout the year but also all the promotional material for the TOP and Purple weeks. Team Photo takes photos and videos at all major events and ensures that all beautiful moments are captured.


Competitive Rowing Committee

The competitive rowing committee supports the Vice-Praeses with executive tasks and organizing professional rowing related events.

Word lid! Committee

Word lid! ('become a member') together with members of Olof and Plato, endeavors to make the Tilburg student active.

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ZRB Board

The ZRB board organizes a rowing competition at Vidar called the ZRB. They are supported in this by the ZRBuddies.

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6-9 Commissie

De 6-9 Commissie zal zich komend jaar bezighouden met een vullend programma tussen 18:00u-21:00 op de dinsdag en donderdag voor bepaalde OVA's. Dit kunnen activiteiten zijn, zoals een spelletjesavond in huiskamersetting of een speciaalbierproeverij! Zo gek ze het zelf maar kunnen bedenken!

Bouw Bestuur

Het bouwbestuur houd zich bezig met de verbouwing van het pand. Zij werken samen met verschillende partijen om het pand en de faciliteiten van Vidar naar een hoger niveau te tillen! 



De NSRF-congres commissie houdt zich bezig met de organisatie van het jaarlijkse NSRF-congres. Wat jaarlijks door een andere studentenroeivereniging wordt gedaan. Voor het jaar 2022 (4 januari), ligt deze verantwoordelijkheid bij Vidar! 

T.S.R. Vidar

Beekse Bergen 5
5041 NJ   Hilvarenbeek   